Gesneriaceae plants possess significant scientific and ornamental value. Most of the Gesneriaceae species in China are endemic, facing various threats to their survival, and many are classified as rare and endangered species in need of protection. In order to effectively protect and sustainably utilize China's wild Gesneriaceae plant resources, to further integrate the efforts of research institutions, universities, and individuals, and to promote public awareness, scientific research, industrial development, and collaborative exchanges, the Gesneriad Professional Committee of the China Wild Plant Conservation Association was officially established on March 29, 2021, at the Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The establishment of the Gesneriad Professional Committee of the China Wild Plant Conservation Association will comprehensively promote research, conservation, and sustainable development of Gesneriaceae plants in China. It will make a significant contribution to the conservation and sustainable utilization of plants in China.
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