The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2017 (13)
2017-10-11 New taxa in China


Petrocosmea magnifica (Gesneriaceae): a new species from limestone caves in Yunnan, China

Phytotaxa319 (3): 283–288


Petrocosmea magnifica M.Q.Han & Yan Liu, from eastern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. P. magnifica is most similar to P. melanophthalma in having highly reflexed backward and shortly semi-orbicular upper corolla lobes, but it differs by having leaves covered with pannose hairs on both surfaces and cordate at base (Cited from Han et al., 2017).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (14)

FIGURE 1. Petrocosmea magnifica (A) Habit, (B) Dissected corolla, (C) Stamens, (D) Pistil, (E) Calyx, (F) Capsule. Drawn by WenHong Lin (Cited from Han et al., 2017).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (14)

FIGURE 2. Petrocosmea magnifica (A) Habitat, (B, C) Habit, (D) Flower in side view, (E) Flower in front view, (F, G) Dissected corollas, (H) Two fertile stamens, (I) Pistil, (J) Calyx, (K) Petioles(Cited from Han et al., 2017).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (14)

FIGURE 3. Petrocosmea melanophthalma. (A–B) Habit, (C) Adaxial leaf blade surface, (D) Abaxial leaf blade surface, (E) Flower in front view, (F) Flower in side view, (G) Calyx, (H) Dissected corollas, (J) Adaxial lip, (K) Stamens, (L) Habitat, (M) Pistil(Cited from Han et al., 2017).