Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)
2017-09-06 Field investigation

        The members of GCCC visited Guangdong for Gesneriaceae plants in Heyuan and Huizhou from Aug. 21 to 25, 2017. We have been helped and supported by the Deputy director and Senior Forestry Engineer, Mr. Ye Qin-Liang, Forestry Engineers Li Yu-Feng and Zhong Zhi-Ming of Baixi natural reserve, Forestry Engineer, Dr. Yang Li-Hua of Huizhou Forestry Bureau, and, of course, friendly Lady Wu. Thank you very much!

        1.Oreocharis dalzielii (W.W.Sm.) Mich.Möller & A.Weber(Distributed in Chaozhou-Shantou region of Guangdong and Nanjing of Fujian, thank Dr Yang Li-Hua very much!)

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG1.  Oreocharis dalzielii (W.W.Sm.) Mich.Möller & A.Weber 1

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG2.  Oreocharis dalzielii (W.W.Sm.) Mich.Möller & A.Weber 2

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG3.  Oreocharis dalzielii (W.W.Sm.) Mich.Möller & A.Weber 3

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG4.  Oreocharis dalzielii (W.W.Sm.) Mich.Möller & A.Weber 4

        2. Oreocharis benthamii Clarke var. benthamii (a widespread species)

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG5.  Oreocharis benthamii Clarke var. benthamii 1

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG6.  Oreocharis benthamii Clarke var. benthamii 2

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG7.  Oreocharis benthamii Clarke var. benthamii 3

        3. Didymostigma obtusum (Clarke) W.T. Wang (Distributed in Guangdong and Fujian)

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG8.  Didymostigma obtusum (Clarke) W.T. Wang 1

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG9.  Didymostigma obtusum (Clarke) W.T. Wangr 2

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG10.  Didymostigma obtusum (Clarke) W.T. Wang 3

        4. Rhynchotechum discolor (Maxim.) Burtt. (An interesting species)

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG11.  Rhynchotechum discolor (Maxim.) Burtt.

        5. Primulina swinglei (Merr.) Mich. Möller & A. Weber (Type location in Boluo County)

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG12.  Primulina swinglei (Merr.) Mich. Möller & A. Weber 1

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG13.  Primulina swinglei (Merr.) Mich. Möller & A. Weber 2

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG14.  Primulina swinglei (Merr.) Mich. Möller & A. Weber 3

        6. Oreocharis pilosopetiolata L.H. Yang & M. Kang (Two new distributed location)'

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG15.  Oreocharis pilosopetiolata L.H. Yang & M. Kang 1

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG16.  Oreocharis pilosopetiolata L.H. Yang & M. Kang 2

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG17.  Oreocharis pilosopetiolata L.H. Yang & M. Kang 3

Happy to find Gesneriads in Guangdong Province (Aug. 21 to 25, 2017)

FIG18.  Oreocharis pilosopetiolata L.H. Yang & M. Kang 4