The famous Gesneriaceae researcher, Dr. Pramote Triboun
visited GCCC at 21st Nov., 2017 (Fig. 1). He was amazed by the all
conservation partitions and greenhouses of GCCC, he also asked about the
refined management and scientific cultivation in great details for those
different species from different habitats, and he thought it is very creative.
Dr. Pramote Triboun is very familiar with from
Fig. 1 Dr. Pramote Triboun and his colleagues were visiting GCCC
Fig. 2 Dr. Pramote Triboun was taking photographs in the field
Dr. Pramote Triboun gave a talk entitled The
Gesneriaceae in
Dr. Pramote Triboun said few researchers pay
attention to Gesneriaceae except for taxonomists who happen to be the
researchers on Gesneriaceae. He hoped that the researchers from
3 Dr. Pramote Triboun’s wonderful
presentation, entitled “The Gesneriaceae in
4 Dr. Pramote Triboun was making his
presentation, the right is he was introducing the special genus of
Fig. 5 Tribounia,a genus was named by Dr. Pramote Triboun’s family name
Fig. 6 Paraboea, the richest biodiversity of Thailand Gesneriaceae (I)