Hemiboea crystallina, a new species of Gesneriaceae from karst regions of Chinaand Vietnam
Phytotaxa 336(1):095-099.
A new species of Gesneriaceae, HemiboeacrystallinaY.M.Shui& W.H.Chen from China and Vietnam, is described andillustrated. The new species is diagnostic by the combination of its inflated nodes, glabrous stem, glabrous and lanceolateleaves, 4-winged involucre, margin-reflected calyx segments and the glabrous surface inside corolla. Among the specieswithout hairy ring inside corolla, its morphological distinctiveness from the most similar species, H. flaccidaChunex Z.Y.Li, is discussed(Cited from Chen et al., 2018).
FIGURE 1. Hemiboea
crystallina Y.M.Shui &
W.H.Chen (photographed by Yu-Min Shui). A. Habitat; B. Plant; C. Part of stem
showing in flated nodes (nd); D. Connate bracts with four wide wings on the
involucre (bract; br); E. Corolla tube and calyx segments (ca) withreflected
margin; F. Face view of corolla showing the glabrous surface at the mouth of
corolla; G. Lateral view of opened corolla showingthe interior surface of
corolla tube, stigma and stamens; H. Bird view of opened corolla; I. Young
fruits. Scale bars: A=10 cm; B, C, G. &H=2 cm; D=4 mm, E=16 mm, F=5 mm; I=1
cm. Note: A–H, Y. M. Shui
et al. 21812 (KUN and PE);
FIGURE 2. Hemiboea flaccida Chun ex Z.Y. Li (photographed by Yi-Gang Wei). A. Plant showing inflorescence and involucre (bract;br); B. Bird view of flower and involucre (br); C. Inflorescence showing hairy style (st) and calyx segments (ca); D. Face view of flowershowing the glabrous interior surface at corolla mouth; E. Face view of flower showing glabrous surface at the middle of corolla tube (cl)and the filaments (fi). Scale bars: A=2 cm; B–E=1cm(Cited from Chen et al., 2018).
FIGURE 3. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 1
FIGURE 4. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 2
FIGURE 5. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 3
FIGURE 6. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 4
FIGURE 7. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 5
FIGURE 8. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 6
FIGURE 9. Hemiboea crystallina Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen 7