The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden
2018-05-03 GCCC News


Recently, three species of Saintpaulia were selected to attend the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden by GCCC. This African Violet flower show, entitled “Mysterious Love, Eternal Garden”, was a part of the 2018 Shanghai International flower show. One of entries, Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. velutina, won the Platinum Award.

In order to impel the development of theAfrican Violet industry, and to combine the topic of 2018 Shanghai International flower show, the first Shanghai African Violet flower show was held by Shanghai Botanical Garden from 14th to 22th Apr. The sponsor displayed about 200 horticultural varieties of African Violet, and the whole flower show fair took a total area of 500 square meters, including more than 240 pots. At the same time, the special topic about African show is the first time in China.

The species, Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. velutina, is native to Tanzania and grows on the damp rock surface, or tree trunks, where are covered by mosses, near river bank. Total four populations were discovered. This species was considered as “Endangered” and listed in IUCN SSC in 2014.

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 1 The honor certificate of the entry, Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. velutina, submitted by GCCC

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 2 The species, Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. velutina

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 3 The three species of Saintpaulia, submitted by GCCC

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 4 The other two species of Saintpaulia, submitted by GCCC

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 5 The flower show room

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 6 Posters and flower show room, including the introduction of GCCC

The species of African Violet (Saintpaulia) from GCCC won the Platinum Award at the first flower show of African Violet in Shanghai Botanical Garden

Fig. 7 Popularization of science for African Violet, Gesneriaceae and GCCC