The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (9)
2018-05-24 New taxa in China


Primulina cangwuensis (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from the Karst Limestone Area in Guangxi, China

Ann. Bot. Fennici 55: 37–42


Primulina cangwuensis X. Hong & F. Wen (Gesneriaceae), a new species growing in rocky crevices on a limestone hill in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to P. repanda, P. subulata, P. jianghuaensis and P. lobulata, but can be distinguished from its congeners by the different shape of leaves, bracts and calyx, as well as by the different indumentum of pedicels and stamens.

Original article link: anb551-3.htm

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The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (9)

Fig. 1. Primulina cangwuensis (from the holotype). — A: Habit. — B: Opened corolla with stamens and staminodes (pointed out by arrows). — C: Calyx (partly dissected), disc and pistil. — D: Mature fruit.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (9)

Fig. 2. Primulina cangwuensis. — A: Habitat. — B1 and B2: Habit. — C: Cyme, illustrating morphological polymerphism of bracts. C1: (a) vertical view of corolla, (b) two bracts, (c) young fruit; C2 and C3: three bracts (C2: adaxial surfaces, C3: abaxial surfaces). — D: Corolla in (D1) lateral view and (D2) frontal view. — E: Calyx lobes and bilobed stigma. — F: Capsule.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (9)

Fig. 3. Morphologically similar congeners of Primulina cangwuensis. — AP. repanda (A1: plant in natural habitat, A2: corolla frontal view). — BP. subulata (B1: cultivated plant, B2: corolla face view). — CP. jianghuaensis (C1: plant in natural habitat, C2: corolla face view). — DP. lobulata (D1: plant in habitat, D2: corolla face view).