The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (11)
2018-06-15 New taxa in China


Two new species of Primulina(Gesneriaceae) from limestone karsts of China

PeerJD 10.7717/peerj.4946


The limestone karst area of South China is a major biodiversity hotspot of global terrestrial biomes. During extensive field work on the Guangxi limestone formations, two unknown species of Gesneriaceae were collected. After conducting a comprehensive study of the literature and herbarium specimens, Primulinadavidioides and P. hiemalisare recognized as two species new to science, and described and illustrated here. P. davidioidesis morphologically close to P. lunglinensis based on the shape of the leaf and flower, but it can be easily distinguished by the shape of the bracts, corolla and stigma, indumentum of peduncles, pedicels and pistil and number of staminodes. P. hiemalisis closely relate to P. luzhaiensis in vegetative appearance, but differs in the shape of the calyx and stigma, number of bracts and staminodes, indumentum of the leaf blade and peduncle, and position of stamens in the corolla tube. Considering that not enough is known about their populations, it is proposed that their conservation statuses should currently be classed as data deficient (DD) according to the IUCN Red List Category and Criteria.

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The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (11)

Figure 1 Illustration of Primulinadavidioides sp. nov. (A) habit in flowering period; (B) dissection of a flower showing stamens and staminodes; (C) anthers, showing beard; (D) pistil; (E) stigma; (F) ovary and calyx; (G) calyx (Image credit: Xiao-Ming Xu, drawn from the holotype).

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (11)

Figure 2 Photographs of Primulina davidioides sp. nov. (A) habitat; (B) population; (C) the flower bud; (D) flowering plant with cymes; E–H: cymes: (E) showing adaxial bracts; (F) showing abaxial bracts; (G) frontal view of cymes; (H) top view of cymes); (I) lateral view of corolla; (J) young fruit; (K) top view of corolla; (L) upward view of corolla; (N) opened corolla, pistils without corolla and calyx lobes; (O) dissection of a flower showing staminodes; P–Q: stamens (P) the reverse side, showing beard; (Q) the frontal side, showing the anthers; (R) capsules (Photo credit: Fang Wen and Xin Hong).

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (11)

Figure 3 Illustration of Primulina hiemalis sp. nov. (A) habit in flowering period; (B) dissection of a flower showing stamens and staminodes; (C) calyx and pistil; (D) calyx, showing puberulence (Image credit: Wen Ma, drawn from the holotype).

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (11)

Figure 4 Photographs of Primulina hiemalis sp. nov. (A) habitat; (B) plant; C–F: corolla: (C) frontal view; (D) right side view; (E) top view; (F) left side view; (G) calyx; (H) pistils with calyx lobes, showing the stigma; (I) opened corolla (Photo credit: Fang Wen).