Members of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) Attended The 62nd Annual Congress of The Gesneriad Society And Related Academic Activities in The USA (Ⅰ)
2018-07-20 GCCC News

        During July 1st to July 7th 2018, Prof. Wei Yi-Gang and Dr. Wen Fang represented the Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) to attend the 62nd annual congress and related academic activities of the Gesneriad Society at Framingham, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Members of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) Attended The 62nd Annual Congress of The Gesneriad Society And Related Academic Activities in The USA (Ⅰ)

​Fig. 1 Dr. Wen Fang making presentations

Members of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) Attended The 62nd Annual Congress of The Gesneriad Society And Related Academic Activities in The USA (Ⅰ)

Fig. 2 Prof. Wei Yi-Gang and the presentation, “Annual Works Report for the Past Two Years (GCCC)”

        There are many representatives from many countries presented at the congress including America, Canada, China, Singapore, Vietnam and Russia, and so on. Prof. Wei Yi-Gang and Dr. Wen Fang took part in the jury training of the presenting programs on the congress as well as the related flower show assessment. Responding to the invitation, Prof. Wei and Dr. Wen made three oral presentations, named as “Annual Works Report for the Past Two Years”, “The Biodiversity & Distribution of Chinese Gesneriaceae in New Classification System” and “The biodiversity and conservation of Gesneriaceae in countries of Indochina Peninsula ----taking Thailand, Vietnam and Laos as examples”. With the supporting materials provided by Thailand, Vietnam and Laos, they not only summarized the achievements we had during the last year’s work at GCCC, but also presented an interesting story of the plant conservation and study in the Karst Area from South China to Indo-China Peninsula taking the Gesneriaceae as an example. On the other hand, the poster “Primulina chizhouensis – A New Endangered Endemic Species of Gesneriaceae” made by Mr. Stephen Maciejewski was awarded the Blue Ribbon Prize, which is the highest award in the gesneriads popularization module of the congress. All the activities above have greatly improved the international effects of our institute in the Gesneriaceae plant research and conservation.

Members of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) Attended The 62nd Annual Congress of The Gesneriad Society And Related Academic Activities in The USA (Ⅰ)

​ Fig. 3 Prof. Wei articipating the flower show assessment 

Members of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) Attended The 62nd Annual Congress of The Gesneriad Society And Related Academic Activities in The USA (Ⅰ)

​ Fig. 4 Dr. Wen participating the flower show assessment

Members of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) Attended The 62nd Annual Congress of The Gesneriad Society And Related Academic Activities in The USA (Ⅰ)

​​Fig. 5 Prof. Wei (left) and Mr. Stephen Maciejewski (right) and the educational poster of Primulina chizhouensis​​​​