Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)
2018-09-09 GCCC News

       Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College paid a visit to Guangxi Institute of Botany (GXIB), Guilin Botanical Garden (GLBG) and Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC) at invitation from 1st to 7th September 2018, and carried out academic communications.

        The Gesneriads from America are very colorful and wonderful so that they appear different to the Gesneriad groups from China and Asia.During the visit, Dr. Jeremy Keene made a presentation entitled An Assessment of Monopyle and related genera. His talking provided us the different Gesneriad plants from America. Dr. Jeremy Keene said, the genus, Monopyle, is one of genera which has the highest biodiversity of Generiaceae in America. He has been researching Monopyle and its related genera for many years since the period of his doctoral study, and he had already discovered four new genera and nearly a hundred new taxa of Monopyle. There into, some were published and some will be published soon. Dr. Jeremy Keene’s presentation has arisen GXIB and GCCC members’ consideration which will enlighten us to learn.

  After the visiting in GXIB, GLBG and GCCC, Dr. Jeremy Keene visited Shengtang Mountain (Non-limestone area) and Yang shuo County (Typical limestone area). He said he got the more understanding about the differences of Gesneriaceae plants between America and Asia.

        Dr. Jeremy Keene will go to Anhui Prov., Jiangxi Prov. and Zhejiang Prov. in East China to carry out the field world, and Dr. Hong Xin, from Anhui University and GCCC (Eastern China), will accompany. They will enter into a discussion of collaboration for papers and projects.

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

Figure 1 Dr. Jeremy Keene was making the presentation

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

​Figure2 Dr. Jeremy Keenevisitedthe display house of GCCC

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

Figure 3 Dr. Jeremy Keene visited the lower temperature house of GCCC for Gesneriaceae

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

 Figure4 Dr. Jeremy Keene visited Shengtang Mountain for Gesneriaceae

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

Figure5 The first page of Dr. Jeremy Keene’s presentation

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

Figure 6 The beautiful flowers of Monopyle 1 (cited from Dr. Jeremy Keene’s presentation)

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

Figure 7 The beautiful flowers of Monopyle 2 (cited from Dr. Jeremy Keene’s presentation)

Dr. Jeremy Keene from Glenville State College visited Guangxi Institute and GCCC, and carried out academic communications (I)

​Figure8 The beautiful flowers of Monopyle 3 (cited from Dr. Jeremy Keene’s presentation)