The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (14)
2018-11-30 New taxa in China


Petrocodon tenuitubus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from SE Yunnan, China



The newly refined genus Petrocodon Hance (Gesneriaceae), mainly distributed from southern to southwestern China, is comprised of 33 species and one variety. A new species, Petrocodon tenuitubus W.H. Chen, F. Wen & Y.M. Shui, distributed in the limestone region from Maguan County, Yunnan province, China, is illustrated and described here. The new species is similar to Pet. lui, Pet. hispidus and Pet. jasminiflorus, but it can be easily distinguished from Pet. lui and Pet. hispidus by its slender and curved corolla tube, 3 linear to lanceolate bracts and bracteoles, and one disc-shaped stigma. And it also can be easily distinguished from Pet. jasminiflorus by its ovate to orbicular leaves, ovate corolla lobes with obtuse apex, bracts and bracteoles 3, and staminodes 2. The holotype and paratype specimens are hold in Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, ChineseAcademy of Sciences (KUN); isotype specimens is deposited in Herbarium of Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBK).

The paper link:

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (14)

Figure 1. Petrocodon tenuitubus W.H. Chen, F. Wen &Y.M. Shui: (A) habitat, (B) whole plant, with flower, (C) leaf adaxial side, (D) leaf abaxial side, (E) inflorescences, (F) bracts and bracteoles, (G) flower, front view, (H) flower, lateral view, (I) opened corolla, showing stamens and pistil, (J) stamens (st.) 2, confluent apically, and staminodes (sta.) 3, (K) stigma, (L) ovary. Photographed by Shi-Wei Guo (A, B, E, G and H) & Li Chen (C, D, F, and IL).

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (14)

Figure 2. Petrocodon tenuitubus and its morphological related species, Pet. hispidus, Pet. lui and Pet. jasminiflorus. (A–C)Pet. tenuitubus : (A) habit, (B) frontal view of flower, (C) lateral view of flower; (D–F) Pet. hispidus : (D) habit, (E) frontal view of flowers, (F) lateral view of flowers; (G–I) Pet. lui : (G) habit, (H) frontal view of flowers, (I) lateral view of flowers; (J–L) Pet. jasminiflorus : (J) habit, (J) frontal view of flowers, (L) lateral view of flowers. Photographed by Shi-Wei Guo (A and C), Peng-Wei Li (D–F) & Fang Wen (B and GL).

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (14)

Figure 3. Distribution of Petrocodon tenuitubus (●) and its similar species, Pet. lui (■), Pet. hispidus ()and Pet. jasminiflorus (▲). (Wang 1990, Xu et al. 2010) Map designed using DIVA-GIS v.7.5 (, data points plotted using ARCGIS 10.5.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (14)

Figure 4 The potted flowering plant of Petrocodon tenuitubus (the frontal view of corolla)

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2018 (14)

Figure 5 The potted flowering plant of Petrocodon tenuitubus (the lateral view of corolla)