New Research Results from China in 2019 (2)
2019-01-31 New Research Results from China


Textual research on the type locality of Petrocodon scopulorum  

Guihaia 2019-01-24 


Petrocodon scopulorum (Chun) Y.Z. Wang is a rare plant endemic to China. However, it has never been found inthe “Pingfa” area of Guizhou province, the type locality of Pet. scopulorum recorded in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae.The lack of textual information of the type locality will inevitably brings chaos to the identification and related research ofPet. scopulorum. In this study, the morphology and molecular analyses as well as textual analyses of protologue confirmedthat the type locality of Pet. scopulorum was “Pingba”, Anshun City. while the type locality recorded in Flora ReipublicaePopularis Sinicae is an incorrect translation of the original record of the type specimen. The results here provide a correct typelocality records and also a reliable basis for the identification, conservation and research of the Pet. scopulorum.

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New Research Results from China in 2019 (2)

 Fig.1 Label of Type specimen Petrocodon scopulorumChunY.Z. Wangprevious Tengia scopulorum Chun

New Research Results from China in 2019 (2)

Fig.2 Type specimen of Pet. scopulorumleft);type locality specimen of Pet. scopulorumright

New Research Results from China in 2019 (2)

Fig.3 Petrocodon scopulorum Aflowering individual, Binflorescences, Ccorolla mouth, Dcorolla and stamens, Eflower anatomy, Fflowers in different periods, GCapsule

New Research Results from China in 2019 (2)

Fig.4 Maximum likelihoodMLtree dirived from ITS, numbers upon branches are bootstrap values of ML