No.2 杨丽华,孔航辉,Jen-Pan Huang,康明
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 132 (2019) 219–231
1.河池报春苣苔 Primulina hochiensis (C.C. Huang & X.X. Chen) Mich. Möller & A.Weber in Weber et al. (2011: 782).
河池报春苣苔原变种Primulina hochiensis var. hochiensis
2.莲座状河池报春苣苔(变种)Primulina hochiensis var. rosulata F. Wen & Y.G. Wei in Wen et al. (2012: 37)
≡ Primulina rosulata (F. Wen & Y.G. Wei) Z.L. Ning & X.Y. Zhuang in Ning et al. (2016: 401)(本变种2016年被升级为种一等级,但最新的研究仍将种一等级降级为变种等级)
= Primulina tsoongii H.L. Liang, Bo Zhao & Fang Wen in Liang et al. (2014: 75), syn. nov.(原产于桂林恭城的钟氏报春苣苔被并入本变种)
3.卵圆叶河池报春苣苔(变种)Primulina hochiensis var. ovata L.H. Yang, H.H. Kong & M. Kang var. nov. (2019: 228)(新变种发表)
4. 连平报春苣苔Primulina lianpingensis L.H. Yang, H.H. Kong & M. Kang sp. nov. (2019: 229)
5. 英德报春苣苔Primulina yingdeensis Z.L. Ning, M. Kang & X. Y. Zhuang in Ning et al. (2016: 401)
Figure 1Vegetative and reproductive characters of the Primulina hochiensis complex. (A) P. hochiensis-1, (B) P. hochiensis-2, (C) P. tsoongii, (D) P. rosulata, (E) P. yingdeensis, (F) P. lianpingensis. From left to right: habit, leaf, flower in side view, flower in front view and fruit.
Figure 2(A) Map of the geographic distribution of the Primulina hochiensis complex. Populations are color coded by species. Study region indicated by a rectangle in the upper left corner. (B) Plots of ΔK for each K for nuclear DNA sequence data according to Evanno et al. (2005). (C) Bayesian assignment of 124 individuals using Structure with K=5 of the Primulina hochiensis complex. Each individual is represented by a vertical bar and grouped by population and species. Population names correspond to Table S1.
Figure 3Principal components analysis (PCA) of the Primulina hochiensis complex based on 28 morphological traits. Colored symbols represent individuals assigned to different morphological groups and ellipses show 95% high-density regions for normal distributions representing each morphological group.
Figure 4 The phylogeny of Primulina hochiensis complex. The gene trees are majority-rule consensus yielded by the MrBayes analysis based on concatenated cpDNA data (A) and nDNA data after phasing (B). The asterisk (*) denotes less than 0.95 posterior probability support. The star marked in the phylogenetic tree indicates an individual of P. tsoongii.
Figure 5 Results from BPP and iBPP analyses using molecular data (for BPP) and combined molecular and morphological data sets (for iBPP). Support values reported for each node are based on the algorithm setting 0 (left) and 1 (right) for the rjMCMC, the algorithm setting for four different priors corresponding to large (vs small) ancestral population sizes with relatively deep (vs shallow divergence times. Specifically, the support values in each box correspond to analyses with the following different priors: from upper to lower, θ=G(1, 10) and τ=G(1, 10); θ=G(1, 10) and τ=G(2, 2000); θ=G(2, 2000) and τ=G(1, 10); θ=G(2, 2000) and τ=G(2, 2000).
Figure 6Estimated gene flow (Nem) among species. The molecular dating species tree was constructed based on nuclear DNA data using the framework of the multispecies coalescent algorithm implemented in *BEAST: (A) Majority-rule consensus tree. Posterior probabilities are given at each node. The arrows denote gene flow among different species. (B) DensiTree visualization of consensus. The ‘root canal’ option was chosen to highlight the topology of the MCC tree (in pink). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Figure 7 Summary of evidence supporting species delimitation hypotheses (columns) of the Primulina hochiensis complex. The complex includes five species which were split into Guangxi and Guangxi lineages according to geographic distribution.
图 8 连平报春苣苔Primulina lianpingensis L.H. Yang, H.H. Kong & M. Kang sp. nov. (2019: 229)(杨丽华摄)
图 9卵圆叶河池报春苣苔(变种)Primulina hochiensis var. ovata L.H. Yang, H.H. Kong & M. Kang var. nov. (2019: 228)