Field Investigations November 2012
2016-06-22 Field investigation

No. 1 We previously collected an unknown species of Primulina in Daxin County, Guangxi in 2010. We temporarily named it as P. diffusa and submitted to a botanical journal. It looks like P. gemella (D. Wood) Y.Z. Wang (=Chirita gemella D. Wood) without flowers. However, the latter only grows in northern Vietnam.
Field Investigations November 2012

Field Investigations November 2012

No. 2 One species might just be a natural hybrid of the above-mentioned Primulina diffusa, in prep., and P. longgangensis (W.T. Wang) Y.Z. Wang, in Daxin County, Guangxi. All of characteristics are in between the two parents. We temporarily named it as P. × daxinensis.

Field Investigations November 2012

No. 3 Another one, a new species to science was found in Jingxi County, Guangxi in 2006. We kept track of it for many years. Then we collected enough specimens with flowers and fruits. By the way, this species was collected and introduced into Edinburgh Garden from Northern Vietnam many years ago. This new species was named as Primulina crassirhozima, and submitted to a botanical journal.

Field Investigations November 2012

No. 4 The last one, a rare new species to science was found in Gaozhou city, Guangdong. We finally collected enough specimens which have these strange cymes, flowers and fruits. It is a very special one. This new species was temporarily named as Primulina gaozhouensis, and submitted to a botanical journal, Fennici.

Field Investigations November 2012