The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (8)
2019-06-04 New taxa in China


Opithandra fargesii, a Newly-recorded Species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou

Molecular Plant Breeding2019, Vol.17(8): 2724-2727


In this paper, the distribution of Opithandra in Gesneriaceae in Guizhou was reported as a new record species, namely, Opithandra fargesii. It is distributed in Nuxi Tujia and Miao Township, Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province, with the longitude, latitude and altitude of 108º51'10.64E27º4916.2N and 599 m, respectively. Its community distributes on the wall of cave mouth. The specimens were collected and the living plants were dissected and observed. The Opithandra fargesii was determined based on the comparisons of information in the search questionnaire of Gesneriaceae plants in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. The morphological photographs of the species were provided and their distribution was discussed in this study. The recorded distribution of this species is Wuxi in Chongqing and Enshi in Hubei. Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province is the third natural distribution of this species. This discovery enriches the biodiversity data of Guizhou Province and provides a basis for future research.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (8)

Figure 1 Opithandra fargesii Note: A: Plant; B: Bladeback; C: Community; D: Infructescence; E: Stigma; F: Inflorescence; G: Flower anatomy; E,F,G: Provided by professor Panbo of the Guangxi Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (8)

Figure 2 The distribution of Opithandra fargesii