​​The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (20)
2019-08-25 New taxa in China


Primulina lianchengensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Danxia landform of Fujian, China: Evidence from morphological and molecular analyses

Phytotaxa 411 (4): 264–274


Primulina lianchengensis B.J.Ye & S.P.Chen (Gesneriaceae) is described and illustrated from Fujian Province in the Southeast of China. Then phylogenetic analyses of the genus were presented using nuclear ribosomal ITS and two plastid markers (atpB-rbcL and rpL32-trnL). Morphological analysis indicates that P. lianchengensis is similar to P. danxiaensis, P. depressa, P. lechangensis and P. yangshanensis, but it differs in the base and margin of leaf, petiole, bract, length and shape of corolla, numbers of staminodes and stigma lobe. Molecular analysis reveals that P. lianchengensis is genetically similar to P. danxiaensis and P. yangshanensis.

Original link: https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.411.4.2.

​​The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (20)

FIGURE 1. Phylogenetic tree obtained by maximum-likelihood analysis of the combined matrix. Numbers near the nodes are bootstrap percentages and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPML, PP, BPMP). Separate combined plastid (A) and nrITS (B) results are shown in the top left corner. A dash (–) indicates a node is inconsistent between the topology of the MP/ML trees and the Bayesian tree.

​​The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (20)

FIGURE 2. Primulina lianchengensis B.J.Ye & S.P.Chen. A. Habitat. B. Population. C. Flowering population and front view of flower. D. Flower lateral view (upper left), top view (upper middle) and cyme (right). E. Fruit plant. F. Bract (lower left corner), anther front view (upper left corner), anther back view (upper right corner), ovary and disc (lower right corner). G. Style with 2-lobed stigma (upper left corner), style with 3-lobed stigma, transection of 2-cleft ovary (lower left corner), transection of 3-cleft ovary (lower right corner). Photographs by Liang Ma.f.

​​The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (20)

FIGURE 3. Primulina lianchengensis B.J.Ye & S.P.Chen. A. Plant. B. Leaf varieties. C. Corolla. D. Opened corolla. E. Pistil. F. Capsule. G. Cross section of ovary. Drawn by Shiqun Zheng.
