The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (27)
2019-10-08 New taxa in China

No.27 Bo Pan, Guang-Da Tang, Truong Van Do, Stephen Maciejewski, Chong-Lang Deng & Fang Wen

Oreocharis tetrapterus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from East Guangxi, China

PhytoKeys 2019(131): 83–89


    A new species, Oreocharis tetrapterus F.Wen, B.Pan & T.V.Do (Gesneriaceae) from Gupo Mountain area, Hezhou city, Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, China, is described and illustrated. The new species has a zygomorphic tetramerous corolla with two adaxial and two abaxial lobes and two fertile stamens in the posterior position, making this a unique combination of floral characteristics in the expanded Oreocharis.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (27)

Figure 1. Oreocharis tetrapterus F.Wen, B.Pan & T.V.Do sp. nov. A habit B lateral view of flower C adaxial surfaces of calyx lobes D opened corolla for showing the two fertile stamens in posterior position E pistil with disc, sepals removed F stigma G anthers in side view. Drawn by Wen-Hong Lin from the holotype.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (27)

Figure 2. Oreocharis tetrapterus F.Wen, B.Pan & T.V.Do sp. nov. in its natural habitat A habitat B flowering plant C plant with flowering cymes D frontal view of corolla E lateral view of corolla F top view of corolla. Photographed by Bo Pan and Fang Wen, charted by Wen-Hua Xu.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (27)

Figure 3. Oreocharis tetrapterus F.Wen, B.Pan & T.V.Do sp. nov. A lateral view of flower B top view of flower C lateral view of corolla and pistil and calyx lobes D adaxial surface of calyx lobes E abaxial surface of calyx lobes F pistil, sepals removed G opened corolla for showing stamens in posterior position H anthers, abaxial view I adaxial leaf surface J abaxial leaf surface K peduncle indumentum. Photographed by Fang Wen and Bo Pan in the field, charted by Wen-Hua Xu.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (27)

Figure 4. Some species in Oreocharis with typically four corolla lobes A Oreocharis tetrapterus F.Wen, B.Pan & T.V.Do sp. nov. B O. sinensis (Oliv.) Mich.Möller & A.Weber (1 Lateral view of flowering cyme 2 Frontal view of flowering cyme) D O. esquirolii Léveillé (1 Corolla with four lobes and four stamens 2 Corolla with five lobes and five stamens). Photographed by Fang Wen and Bo Pan, charted by Wen-Hua Xu.