​​The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (29)
2019-11-04 New taxa in China

   No.29 Qiong Fu, Ying Guo, Rong Huang, Ying Xia& Ying-Qiang Wang

Oreocharis ovatilobata (Gesneriaceae), a New Species fromGuizhou, China

Annales Botanici Fennici56: 259-265


Oreocharis ovatilobata Q. Fu & Y.Q. Wang (Gesneriaceae) a new species from Guizhou Province in southwest China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to O. pankaiyuae and O. mairei, but differs from these congeners in particular by possessing ovate corolla lobes with purplish red spots at the obtuse apex, glandular-pubescent bracts and pistil, and by its adaxially white-pubescent leaf blade. Morphology (SEM) of leaf epidermis and seed coat of O. ovatilobata is also different from that of O. pankaiyuae.

Original Link:https://doi.org/10.5735/085.056.0411

​​The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (29)

Fig. 1. Oreocharis ovatilobata (from the holotype, drawn by Ms. Yun-Xiao Liu). — A: Plant habit. — B: Abaxial leaf surface. — C: Opened corolla, showing stamens. — D: Anther (anterior view). — E: Anther (posterior view). — F: Flower in side view. — G: Pistil and calyx. — H: Young fruit.

​​The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (29)

Fig. 2. Comparison of (A) Oreocharis ovatilobata and (B) O. pankaiyuae. — 1: Plant and habit. — 2: Adaxial leafsurface. — 3: Abaxial leaf surface. — 4: Flower. — 5: Fruit. — 6: Opened flower, showering corolla, pistil, sepals, stamens. — 7: Opened corolla (outside), showing adaxial lip lobes (arrowhead) and abaxial lip lobes. — 8: Stigma. 9: Ovary.

​​The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (29)

Fig. 3. Morphology (SEM) of leaf epidermal surfaces and seed coat of (A) Oreocharis ovatilobata and (B) O. pankaiyuae. — 1: Upper leaf cuticular membrane. — 2: Lower leaf epidermis trichome membranes. — 3: Stoma. —4: Seed. — 5: Ornamentation of seed coat.