The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (30)
2019-11-04 New taxa in China

   No.30 Lan-Ying Su, Bo Pan, Xin Hong, Zhi-Guo Zhao,Long-Fei Fu, Fang Wen& Stephen Maciejewski

Petrocodonjiangxiensis(Gesneriaceae), a New Speciesfrom Jiangxi, China

Annales BotaniciFennici56 : 277-284


Based on morphological, cytological and molecular data, a new species of Gesneriaceae, Petrocodonjiangxiensis F. Wen, L.F. Fu & L.Y. Su from Jiangxi Province, China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, it resembles the most P. asterocalyxF.Wen, Y.G.Wei&R.L.Zhang. Both species have axillary cymes, an actinomorphic calyx and similarly shaped corolla, but P. jiangxiensiscan be easily distinguished by ovate-elliptic to broadly ovate leaf blades, three bracts with a crenulate to serrate margin, smaller calyx lobes 5–6 × ca. 1 mm, smaller corolla 1.7–2.3 cm long, and glabrous anthers. Petrocodonjiangxiensis has a 2n = 36 somatic chromosome number.


The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (30)

Fig. 1. Somatic chromosomes at metaphase of Petrocodonjiangxiensis (2n = 36). — A, B and C are from differentcells. Red and black arrows indicate overlapping/touching chromosomes and satellites, respectively.

 The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (30)

Fig. 2. Strict consensus tree resulted from a Maximum-parsimony (MP) analysis based on combined trnL-F and ITS sequences of 26 species. Bootstrap values > 50% by MP analysis are shown around the corresponding nodes. The star indicates the new species.

The newest publishedtaxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (30)

Fig. 3. Petrocodonjiangxiensis. — A and B: Habit of flowering plant in native habitat. — C: Fruits. — D: Bracts. — E: Adaxial leaf surface. — F: Abaxial leaf surface. — G: Inflorescence. — H: Stamens. — I: Calyx and pistil. — J: Staminode. — K: Flower in lateral view. — L: Flower in front view.