No.2 LU Zhaocen, LIU Ende , HAN Mengqi, ZHU Xinxin , NGUYEN Khang Sinh & XU Weibin
Discovery of Paraboea minutiflora (Gesneriaceae) from southeastern Yunnan,
China with supplementary description
Guihaia2019-12-25(Network first)
Paraboea minutiflora D.J. Middleton was collected firstly from northern Vietnam in 2001 and was published in 2018, but it is incomplete and lacks type specimens with mature flowers when reported. The description of Paraboea minutiflora was supplemented base on the collections from southeastern Yunnan, China and Ha Giang, Vietnam, and line drawing and photos are also provided.
Original article link:
Fig. 1 Paraboea minutiflora A. Habit; B. A part of lower surface of leaf blade; C. Flower face view; D. Flower side view; E. Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; F, G. Calyx and pistil; H. Capsules. (Drawn by W.-H. Lin)
Fig. 2 Paraboea minutiflora A. Habit with young fruits and flowers; B. Habit with old dehisced fruits; C. Habit with flowers; D. A part of rhizome; E. Upper surface of leaf blade; F. Lower surface of leaf blade.
Fig. 3 Paraboea minutiflora A. A part of inflorescences; B. Capsules. C. Flower face view; D. Flower side view; E. Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; F. Pistil and calyx; G. Stamens face view; H. Stamens back view; I. Stamens side view.