“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 
2020-03-01 The Newest Researching Results Abroad

No.2S. B. PadalK. V. SatishM. Tarakeshwara NaiduJ. Prakasa Rao1 & K. Satyavathi

Corallodiscus Batalin (Gesneriaceae): A New Generic Recordfor southern India

The National Academy of Sciences, India 2020


  Corallodiscus lanuginosusis recorded for the first time for southern India from the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. The color photograph plates and detailed description of taxon had been provided for easy identifification.

  Original article linkhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-00885-4

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

Fig. 1 Corallodiscus lanuginosus(Wall. ex DC.) B. L. Burtt.a Habitat, b Habit, c A flowering individual on moist rock, d Plantsshowing young leaves and roots, e Compactly packed fibrous roots, f Compressed inconspicuous stem, g adaxial surface of leaf, h abaxialsurface of leaf showing distinct veins, i white hairs on leaf adaxialsurface.

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

Fig. 2 Corallodiscus lanuginosus(Wall. ex DC.) B. L. Burtt. a Earlystage of fruiting and peduncle arising from the axis, b Enlargedportion of cyme showing three different stages of flower. c Enlargedportion of flower showing pigmentation and white beard, d Splitopened corolla showing epipetalous, didynamous stamens and innerside of lobes bearing white beard, e Didynamous stamens attached atthe top, f Gynoecium showing calyx, style, bilobed stigma, g Immature fruits, h Capsule with persistent calyx, i Longitudinal section ofcapsule showing numerous ovules.

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

Fig. 3 Herbarium ofCorallodiscus lanuginosus(Wall. ex DC.) B. L. Burtt

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2 

“Stones form Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One” Series 2020 No.2