No.6Zi-Bing XIN, Long-Fei FU, Zhang-Jie HUANG, Shu LI, Stephen MACIEJEWSKI, Fang WEN & Shou-Biao ZHOU
Petrocodon chishuiensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to Guizhou, China
Taiwania 65(2): 181-186, 2020
A new species, Petrocodon chishuiensis Z.B. Xin, F. Wen & S.B. Zhou, from NW Guizhou, China, is described andillustrated here. It shares a rare characteristic with P. hunanensis X.L. Yu & Ming Li, P. tongziensis R.B. Zhang & F. Wen and P.longitubus Cong R. Li & Yang Luo: all have four fertile stamens, a character state distinguishing this clade from the rest ofPetrocodon. P. chishuiensis closely resembles P. hunanensis and P. tongziensis, but differs in vegetative and generative characters.We found only one population with no more than 60 mature individuals at the type locality. This species is provisionally assessedas Critically Endangered (CR B2ab(iii)) using IUCN criteria.
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Fig. 1. Petrocodon chishuiensis sp. nov.: A: habit; B: cut open corolla with four stamens; C: upper stamens; D: lower stamens; E:pistil with bracteoles and opened calyx; F: stigma and part of style; G: mature dehisced capsule. From F.W.-Ges 20101001(IBK).Drawn by Yun-Xi Zhu.
Fig. 2. Petrocodon chishuiensis sp. nov.: A: habitat; B: plants in flower and leaf blade adaxial surface; C: leaf blade abaxial 柱头、花柱和子房surface;D: Frontal view of flower, showing the two rows of conspicuous orange-yellow glandular hairs on lower lip and corolla throat; E: lateralview of flower; F: flower viewed from below; G: pistil, showing the stigma, style and ovary; H: mature, dehisced capsule splitting into 4valves. (Photos: Fang Wen).
Fig. 3. Petrocodon hunanensis: A: habitat; B: plants in flower; C: shoots with a single flowered cyme and stem with distinct internodes;D: leaf blade adaxial surface; E: leaf blade abaxial surface; F: frontal view of corolla; G: lateral view of corolla; H: flower viewed from below;I: stigma, style and distal part of the ovary; J: calyx lobes, disc and stiped ovary. (Photos: Xun-Lin Yu, Jian-Jun Zhou & Ming Li).
Fig. 4. Petrocodon tongziensis: A: habitat; B: plant in flowering; C: the frontal view of corolla; D: the lateral view of corolla; E: abaxialand adaxial surfaces of leaf blades and petiole; F: pistil. (Photos: Ren-Bo Zhang.)
Fig. 5. Petrocodon chishuiensis sp. nov.