Field Investigation by Month May 2013
2016-07-06 Field investigation

Prof. Wei Yi-Gang and Dr. Wen Fang attended a wilderness exploration for Kujingyuan Natural Reserve (provincial level, Anhui Province). This proinccial natural reserve will upgrade to national reserve. Only four Gesneriad species were recorded, name Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim., Oreocharis chienii (Chun) Mich.Möller & A.Weber=(Briggsia chienii Chun), O. auricula (S. Moore) Clarke and Boea clarkeana Hemsl.

Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim.

Field Investigation by Month May 2013 Field Investigation by Month May 2013

Oreocharis chienii (Chun) Mich.Möller & A.Weber=(Briggsia chienii Chun)

Field Investigation by Month May 2013 Field Investigation by Month May 2013

Oreocharis auricula (S. Moore) Clarke

Field Investigation by Month May 2013  Field Investigation by Month May 2013

Boea clarkeana Hemsl.

Field Investigation by Month May 2013  Field Investigation by Month May 2013