The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (16)
2020-08-01 New taxa in China

No.16HONG Xin, WANG Xiuping & WEN Fang

Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume, a newly recordedspecies of Gesneriaceaefrom Tibet China

GuihaiaNetwork launch:2020-07-02


As is reported to be a new species in China, the Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume of the Rhynchotechum genus was found in Motuo County, Tibet. It usually prefers cliffs near perennial streams in primary forests as well as in secondary forests and damp groves near roadsides. This species of Rhynchotechum is characterized by almost opposite leaves, sericeous calyx lobes, axes rusty-yellow villous, short style and small flower, puberulent ovary and glabrous to puberulous fruit. When the research about this genus was published in 2020, Indian scholars recorded that the voucher specimen was collected from India.However, when the GPS longitude and latitude information of the type specimen collection point recorded in the original document was marked on the Map World in official geographic website, this species was found to locate in Motuo County, Xizang (Tibet) of China. Therefore, the certificate of origin information recorded in the original document was questioned. At the same time, some stored specimens of Rhynchotechum in different herbaria were correctly identified as R. parviflorum (Anderson & Middleton, 2013). Thus, the China’s known distribution and detailed description of this species are presented here.

Original article  link:

Main references

B. M. ANDERSON & D. J. MIDDLETON. 2013. A revision of Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 70 (1): 121–176.

MOMANG TARAM, PURANJOY MIPUN & DIPANKAR BORAH.2020. Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume (Gesneriaceae): a new record to mainland India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(1): 15208–15211.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (16)

Fig.1 Distribution of Rhynchotechum parviflorum

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (16)

Fig. 2 The colorful figures 1 of Rhynchotechum parviflorum (Momang Taram, Puranjoy Mipun & Dipankar Borah2020)

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (16)

Fig. 3 The colorful figures 1 of Rhynchotechum parviflorum (Momang Taram, Puranjoy Mipun & Dipankar Borah2020)

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (16)

Fig. 4 some voucher specimens of Rhynchotechum parviflorum, which were collected from China and mistakenly identified as others of Rhynchotechum——No. 1: from Hainan

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (16)

Fig. 5 some voucher specimens of Rhynchotechum parviflorum, which were collected from China and mistakenly identified as others of Rhynchotechum——No. 2: from Fangchenggang, Guangxi