No.17Zhiyou Guo, Zhaowen Wu, Weibin Xu, Zhenyu Li, Xiaoguo Xiang
Paraboea dolomitica (Gesneriaceae), a new speciesfrom Guizhou, China
PhytoKeys 153: 37–48 (2020)
Here we describe Paraboea dolomitica Z.Y. Li, X.G. Xiang & Z.Y. Guo, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China. Based on recent extensive observations, this new species is morphologically similar to Paraboea filipes (Hance) Burtt, in having obovate leaf blades, 1–4-flowered cymes and purplish corolla, but differs from that species by the combination of denticulate leathery leaves, sparsely brown haired peduncles, two woolly bracts, reniform anthers and two glabrous staminodes. Additionally, molecular data support this new species as a member of a clade that includes P. crassifolia, P. tetrabracteata, P. peltifolia, P.vetutina, P. dushanensis, P. dictyoneura, P xiangguiensis and P. guilinensis, but it is distinct from them in leaf position, inflorescence, penduncle, bract and capsule. The conservation status of this species is considered to be “Vulnerable” (VU) according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
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Figure 1. The majority consensus tree of the Bayesian Inference method based on ITS and trnL-F regions. Bayesian posterior probabilities and bootstrap support values (> 50%) are shown above the branch.The new species is highlighted in bold.
Figure 2. Paraboea dolomitica. A Habitat B flowering habit C flower face view D opened corolla showing stamens, staminodes and pistil E bracts F pistil with calyx G adaxial leaf blade; and H abaxial leaf blade.
Figure 3. Paraboea dolomitica. A Flowering habit B opened corolla showing stamens, staminode andpistil C pistil with calyx and D capsule. Drawn by Zhaowen Wu based on holotype and isotypes.
Figure 4. The flowering population of Paraboea dolomitica. (Photoed by Lei Cai)
Figure 5 & 6. The flowering plants of Paraboea dolomitica. (Photoed by TaoPeng)