The Gesneriad Society cancelled its annual convention and judged flower show in July 2020 due to COVID-19. The GS then decided to stage an online Virtual Flower Show. Each member of the Gesneriad Society could send in, up to five different photos of gesneriads that they have been growing for at least three months, during the period from August 2019 toJuly 2020. Each entry had to be submitted under only one name but a separate photographer could also be listed. Plants that were rare, unusual or had notbeen seen before in the show were required to have an educational sheetdetailing information about the entry. The Gesneriad Society 2020 Virtual Flower Show had 345 entries from 89 exhibitors from around the world.
People could then vote on their favorite photo entry, and eventually 7 were chosen as winners.
The Gesneriad Conservation Center of China and its branches entered photos and three won People’s Choice Award in the Gesneriad Society 2020 Virtual Flower Show, and they are:
1、Primulina lutea
Old World Species, excluding Saintpaulia - Primulina lutea
Zhang-Jie Huang (Gesneriad Conservation Center of China; Guilin Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2、Columnea ‘Broget Stavanger’
New World Fibrous Hybrids - Columnea ‘Broget Stavanger’
Jia-Qi Qin (Gesneriad Conservation Society of China (Shanghai); Shanghai Botanical Garden)
3、Primulina sinovietnamica
Old World Gesneriads -Primulina sinovietnamica
Xin Hong (Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (East China); Anhui University). Photographed by De-Chang Meng (Gesneriad Conservation Center of China; Guilin Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
For the flower show’s details, please click "Read the full text".