No.27 Wen-Hong Chen, Shi-Wei Guo, Jian-Yong Wu, Li Chen & Yu-Min Shui
Two new species of Allocheilos (Gesneriaceae) from the karst regions in Yunnan, China
PhytoKeys 157: 155–166 (2020)
Allocheilos W.T.Wang in Gesneriaceae was described in 1983 and is characterized by its 4-lobed adaxial lip and undivided abaxial lip with acute apex. The genus is endemic to the karst regions in southwestern China and is classified as endangered due to habitat loss. During surveys of the karst areas in Yunnan of southwestern China in 2017, we collected two unknown species of the genus and later confirmed their novelty to science based on the detailed observation of their morphological characteristics, viz. A. maguanensis W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui and A. rubroglandulosus W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui. Their relationships with the similar species and provisional conservation status are discussed.
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Figure 1. Geographical distribution of the genus Allocheilos W.T.Wang of Gesneriaceae in southwestern China. Allocheilos maguanensis W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui, sp. nov. (▲), A. rubroglandulosusW.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui sp. nov. (■), A. cortusiflorus W.T.Wang (★), A. guangxiensis H.Q.Wen, Y.G.Wei& S.H.Zhong (●).
Figure 2. Vegetative morphology of Allocheilos maguanensis W.H. Chen & Y.M. Shui, sp. nov. (A, B,D–H from Y.M. Shui, W.H. Chen, S.W. Guo, H.H. Xi et al. B2018-495 C from Y.M. Shui, S.W. Guo et al.B2017-1343) A–C habit and plants D adaxial surface of leaves E abaxial surface of leaves F close-up ofpetiole G indumention the adaxial surface of leaves H indumenti on the abaxial surface of leaves.
Figure 3. Flower morphology of Allocheilos maguanensis W.H. Chen & Y.M. Shui, sp. nov. (A–C, E,F, H from Y.M. Shui, S.W. Guo et al. B2017-1343 D, G, I, J from Y.M. Shui, W.H. Chen, S.W. Guo,H.H. Xi et al. B2018-495) A, B inflorescence showing the wide bracts C face and lateral view of flowersD, E opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes F, G close-up of stamens coherent laterally H calyxshowing ovate segments with beaked apex I face view of flower showing the white staminode inside J diskat the base of the ovary. Notes: at anther, br bract, cx calyx lobe, dc disc, fm filament, gl glandular, sdstaminode, sn stigma.
Figure 4. Vegetative morphology of Allocheilos rubroglandulosus W.H. Chen & Y.M. Shui, sp.nov. (From holotype, photographed by S. W. Guo and Y. M. Shui) A habitat and plants B adaxial surface of the round leave,arrow indicating the overlapped leaf blade at base C abaxial surface of the round leave, arrows indicating thereflected margin D adaxial surface of the broadly ovate leave with overlapped basal lobes of the leave annotatedby arrow E abaxial surface of the broadly ovate leave, arrow indicating the reflected margin F hairs of petioleand main nerves on the abaxial surface of the round leaves G margin and hairs on the adaxial surface of theround leave H margin and hairs on the abaxial surface of the round leaf, arrow indicating the reflected margin.
Figure 5. Flower morphology of Allocheilos rubroglandulosus W.H. Chen & Y.M. Shui, sp. nov. (Fromholotype, photographed by S. W. Guo and Y. M. Shui) A inflorescence B right part of the inflorescenceC left part of the inflorescence D lateral view of the leaf part of the inflorescence E face view of the flowerF face view indicating 3 staminodes, middle white and lateral 2 red on the top G lateral view of flowerindicating stamens H opened corolla indicating the stamens and staminodes and the swollen nodes at thebase of filaments. Notes: at anther, br bract; cx calyx lobe, dc disc, fm filament, gl glandular, sd staminode, sl style, sm stigma, sn swollen nodes at base of filament.