The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)
2020-12-02 New taxa in China

No.28 Zhi-Wei Fan, Lei Cai, Jia-Wen Yang, Sheng-Hu Tang & Fang Wen

Petrocodon luteoflorus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from karst region in Guizhou, China

PhytoKeys 157: 167–173 (2020)


A new species of Gesneriaceae, Petrocodon luteoflorus Lei Cai & F.Wen was first described and illustrated from Maolan National Nature Reserve, Libo County, Guizhou Province, China. The diagnostic characters and notes of this species between its most morphologically similar species, P. dealbatus Hance, a detailed description, colour photographs, etymology, as well as distribution and habitat, are also provided in this paper.

Original article link:




The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)

Figure 1. Petrocodon luteoflorus Lei Cai & F.Wen, sp. nov. A Habitat B, C plants with flowers D petiole and adaxial leaf surface E petiole and abaxial leaf surface F, G cymes H side view of flower I opened corolla and pistil with calyx J pistil, disc and calyx K opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes L adnate anthers, adaxial view M adnate anthers, abaxial view. Scale bars: 20 cm (A); 10 cm (B, C); 5 cm (D, E); 1 cm (F, G); 5 mm (H, I, J, K), 3 mm (L, M). Photographed by Lei Cai and Fang Wen (D, E).

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)

Figure 2. Petrocodon dealbatus Hance. A Habitat B cyme C the lateral view corolla and calyx lobes D the frontal view of corolla. Photographed by Fang Wen.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (28)

Figure 3-6. Petrocodon luteoflorus Lei Cai & F.Wen, sp. nov.