Field Investigation by Month July, 2013
2016-08-03 Field investigation

Field investigations of Gesneriaceae were conducted in Shennongjia. It is a well known national natural reserve in Hubei province
Hong Xin, a doctoral candidate from Anhui Normal University, carried out a field survey in Shennongjia. This is a very well known national natural reserve in Hubei Province. Although the species of Gesneriaceae surveyed there are widely-distributed, they still have a great potential to be developed as a popular ornamental plant.

Field Investigation by Month July, 2013 Field Investigation by Month July, 2013
Figure 1 Hemiboea subcapitata Clarke in flowering

Field Investigation by Month July, 2013 Field Investigation by Month July, 2013

Field Investigation by Month July, 2013 Field Investigation by Month July, 2013

Figure 2 P. Boea clarkeana Hemsl.

Field Investigation by Month July, 2013 Field Investigation by Month July, 2013
Figure 3 Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R. Br.

Field Investigation by Month July, 2013 Field Investigation by Month July, 2013
Figure 4 Corallodiscus lanuginosa (Wall. ex A. DC.) Burtt