The recently published new taxa and record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (34)
2020-12-14 New taxa in China

No.34 Lei Cai, Zhang-Jie Huang, Fang Wen & Zhi-Ling Dao

Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) fromkarst regions in Yunnan and notes on O. tetrapteraand O. brachypoda from China

PhytoKeys 162: 112 (2020)


Two new species of Gesneriaceae, Oreocharis aimodisca and O. longipedicellata, from the limestone area of Yunnan Province, China, are described and illustrated. Their morphological relationship with similar species is discussed and colour photographs, detailed descriptions, distribution and habitat, as well as the IUCN endangered status are provided. We also discuss the accuracy of the scientific names of the described species O. tetrapterus from Guangxi, China in 2019 and O. brachypodus from Guizhou, China, in 2015, and put forward corrections related to name form.

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The recently published new taxa and record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (34)

Figure 1. Oreocharis aimodisca Lei Cai, Z.L.Dao & F.Wen, sp. nov. A habit B pistil with disc and calyxC old capsule D front view of flower E opened corolla showing stamens and staminode F side view of aflower G adaxial view of the anther. Drawn by Xuan-Lin Zhu.

The recently published new taxa and record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (34)

Figure 2. Oreocharis aimodisca Lei Cai, Z.L.Dao & F.Wen, sp. nov. in natural habitat A, B plants withflowers in the wild C habitat. Photographed by Lei Cai.

The recently published new taxa and record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (34)

Figure 3. Oreocharis aimodisca Lei Cai, Z.L.Dao & F.Wen, sp. nov. A habit B adaxial (lower half) andabaxial leaf surface (upper half) C side view of a flower D front view of flowers E pistil with disc and calyxF opened corolla showing stamens and staminode G opened corolla with pistil and calyx H fresh fruitsI old capsules. Photographed by Lei Cai.

The recently published new taxa and record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (34)

Figure 4. Oreocharis longipedicellata Lei Cai & F.Wen, sp. nov. A habit B front view of flower C openedcorolla showing stamens and staminode D pistil with disc E calyx lobes. Drawn by Xuan-Lin Zhu.

The recently published new taxa and record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2020 (34)

Figure 5. Oreocharis longipedicellata Lei Cai & F.Wen, sp. nov. A plants cultivated in GBG B adaxial andabaxial leaf surface C front view of flowers D side view of a flower E petiole F pistil with disc and calyxG, H opened corolla showing stamens and staminode. Photographed by Fang Wen.