The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)
2021-01-12 New taxa in China


Didymocarpus longicalyx (Gesneriaceae), a new species from southwestern

Yunnan, China

Phytotaxa475 (1): 059–066


Didymocarpus longicalyx, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southwestern Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated based on detailed morphological comparisons with all known species of the genus Didymocarpus from both China and neighbouring countries. Morphologically, it is most similar to D. medogensis and D. glandulosus, but can be distinguished by its puberulent peduncles, calyx with ca. 8 mm long segments and claret corollas with three yellow spots and a few yellowish striations on upper lip.

Original article link:

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

FIGURE 1. Didymocarpus longicalyx G.W.Hu & Q.F.Wang. A, habit; B, abaxial leaf surface to show the hairs on the veins and margin;C, flower in frontal view; D, dissected corolla to show stamens; E, pistil; F, stamens; G, calyx segments. Drawn by Jing Tian based on theholotype G. W. Hu, S. Peng & J. J. Wang HGW-1175 (HIB).

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

FIGURE 2. Didymocarpus longicalyx G.W.Hu & Q.F.Wang. A, habit and habitat; B, whole plant in front view; C, cyme; D, two wholeplants in back view; E, flower in front view; F, flower in lateral view (left) and back view (right); G, dissected corolla showing stamens; H,calyx segments, adaxial view (left three) and abaxial view (right two); I, pistil. All photographed by Guang-Wan Hu (voucher specimen:G.W. Hu, S. Peng & J.J. Wang HGW-1175, HIB).

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2021 (03)

FIGURE 3-7.Didymocarpus longicalyx G.W.Hu & Q.F.Wang (Photos by Guang-Wan Hu)