New Research Results from China in 2021(3)
2021-06-20 New Research Results from China

YANHaixia, GUANShikai, TAODayan, ZHOU Jinye, SONA Qian &LUO Shuming

Study on Leaf Cutting Propagation of Two Kinds of Gesneriaceae Based on Orthogonal Test

Northern Horticulture  2021.(02): 65-72,79


In order to provide reference for the cutting propagation technology of Primulina, the factors influencing the cutting survival of Primulia were discussed. With Primulina dryas Hisako and PrimulinaBlue Mood as materials, orthogonal experiment design was used to study. Three factors and three levels test were carried out on Primulina dryas Hisako and four factors and three levels test were carried out on PrimulinaBlue Mood. The effects of different factors and matrix components on the survival rate, number of new plants and leaves of new plants were analyzed, and the best combination was selected. The results showed that the influence of three different factors on the survival rate of Primulinadryas Hisako was concentration﹥substrate﹥leaf position, the influence on the number of new plant was leaf position﹥concentration﹥substrate, the influence on the number of new plants leaves was substrate﹥leaf position﹥concentration, the optimal combination was IBA+NAAequal mixed concentration of 

100mg·L-1+peat:perlite:vermiculite volume ratio of 2:1:1+lower part of leaf, The effect of the four substrate components on the survival rate of PrimulinaBlue Mood was peat﹥rice husk charcoal﹥vermiculite﹥perlite, the effect on the number of new plant was perlite﹥peat﹥vermiculite﹥rice husk charcoal, the effect on the number of leaves were peat﹥rice husk charcoal﹥perlite﹥vermiculite, the optimal combination of cutting substrate was peat, perlite, vermiculite, rice husk charcoal volume ratio of 6:2:2:1.

Original article link: The PDF file can be downloaded from CNKI website;



New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

Figures 1-4 Primulina dryas ‘Hisako’ (From Google, Non-commercial using)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

New Research Results from China in 2021(3)

Figures 5-8 Primulina ‘Blue Mood’ (Photos by Lai Bi-Dan)