Jin Xuan,Ling Shao-Jun,Wen Fang& Ren Ming-Xun
Biogeographical patterns and floral evolution of Oreocharis( Gesneriaceae)
Plant scicence2021,39(4):379-388
We examined the geographical distribution ranges and floral traits of Oreocharis and used nuclear ITS1,ITS2 and chloroplast trnL-trnFsequences of 58 Oreocharisspecies to construct a phylogenetic tree.We then analyzed the adaptation and evolution of floral traits based on the above data.Results showed the Oreochariscould be separated into two clades. Clade A was mainly distributed in Southwest China and predominantly showed yellow corollas with four stamens; Clade B was mainly distributed in South and Southeast China and predominantly showed purple corollas,with several species evolving two stamens. Corolla evolution from zygomorphy to actinomorphy was also detected. All four Hainan-endemic Oreocharis taxa originated from a common ancestor with bright yellow and radial corollas,later evolving orange and bilateral corollas.Geographical isolation,soil heterogeneity,and divergent selection on diverse bee pollinators were identified as key factors in the evolution and diversity of floral traits in Oreocharis.
Original article link:
② http://www.plantscience.cn(说明:待本文纸质版出版后即可在官网上搜索下载)
③ DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.40379
Fig. 1Geographicaldistribution patterns of Oreocharis
Fig. 2Species diversity of Oreocharis indifferentregions
Fig. 3 Floral shapes andpercentages of Oreocharis
Fig. 4 Main floral traits of Oreocharis
Fig. 5Stamen traits of Oreocharis
Fig. 6 Phylogenetic tree of Oreocharis based on ITS1,ITS2 and trnL-trnF sequences
Some beautiful Oreocharis s.l. plants
Oreocharis duyunensis Z.Y. Li, X.G. Xiang & Z.Y. Guo
Oreocharis striata F.Wen & C.Z.Yang
Oreocharis longipedicellata Lei Cai & F.Wen
Oreocharis flavovirens Xin Hong
Oreocharis argyreia Chun ex K. Y. Pan var. Argyreia
Oreocharis pinnatilobata (K.Y.Pan) Mich.Möller & A.Weber
Oreocharis sinohenryi (Chun) Mich.Möller & A.Weber
Oreocharis mileensis (W.T.Wang) Mich.Möller & A.Weber
Oreocharis dimorphosepala (W. H. Chen & Y. M. Shui) Mich.Möller
Oreocharis jiangxiensis (W.T.Wang) Mich.Möller & A.Weber