The spirit in the crevices of Karst rocks — the standout among the Karst flowers, the ornamental plants of the Gesneriaceae family are in full bloom!

In order to raise public awareness about Karst plants, especially the diversity and current research status of Gesneriaceae plants in the Karst region, and to focus on the protection and development of this group, allowing them to enter gardens in thousands of households and serve local economic development, the National Gesneriaceae Germplasm Resources Bank of GXIB, the Gesneriad Committee of the China Wild Plant Protection Association, and the Gesneriad Conservation Center of China, with the support of their affiliated institution — the Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region & Chinese Academy of Sciences , have utilized Gesneriaceae plants, mainly native species from the Guangxi Karst regions such as Primulina, Hemiboea, Pseudochirita and Paraboea, to create landscapes. During the spring flowering season, they bloom brilliantly in a riot of colors.