Experts from the New Plant Cultivar Protection Office of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, delegated by the Chinese Academy of Forestry, carried out an on-site examination of six new Primulina cultivars developed by the National Gesneriad Germplasm Resources Bank of GXIB, Gesneriad Committee of China Wild Plant Conservation Association, and Gesneriad Conservation Center of China. These six new Primulina cultivars are Primulina 'Ziyue', Primulina 'Pixinghanzi', Primulina 'Ziyange', Primulina 'Dianjiangchun', and Primulina 'Mingyuelou'. 'Mingyuelou' introduces the first registered yellow-flowered variety, while 'Dianjiangchun' is a unique dual-colored cultivar. 'Ziyue' is notable for its robust resistance, 'Ziyange' is distinctive with its dense clusters of vivid purple, 'Ziyunting's deep purple flowers that is very beautiful, and 'Pixinghanzi' impresses with its succulent leaves and soft purple flowers. These six cultivars display consistent traits through asexual reproduction, distinguishable from current known varieties. They offer remarkable ornamental value and robust resistance, marking them as precious horticultural selections.
Figure 1 & Figure 2: Experts conducting an on-site review at the cultivation site of the new Primulina cultivars.
Figure 3, Figure 4 & Figure 5: Experts visiting the National Germplasm Resources Bank and providing guidance.
Figure 6: The six new Primulina cultivars being reviewed on-site.