The members of National Gesneriaceae Germplasm Resources Bank Visit and Study at Several National Germplasm Resources Banks in Guangdong Province
2022-09-17 Popularization of Science

To better plan and construct the National Gesneriaceae Germplasm Germplasm Resources Bank, Dr. Wen Fang, the person in charge of this germplasm resources bank, led team members to visit several national germplasm repositories in Guangdong Province from September 15 to 17, 2022. They visited institutions such as the National Fern Germplasm Resources Bank of Shenzhen City & Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Melastomataceae Germplasm Resources Bankof Guangzhou Forestry and Horticultural Institute, and the National Araceae Germplasm Resources Bank of Guangzhou Flower Research Center, among others from the first and second approved batches by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, China.


Figure 1: Visiting and studying at the National Melastomataceae Germplasm Resources Bankof Guangzhou Forestry and Horticultural Institute.


Figure 2: Visiting and studying at the National Araceae Germplasm Resources Bank of Guangzhou Flower Research Center.