The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2023 (4)
No. 4 Rui-Feng LI, Bo PAN
Primulina alba, a new cave-dwelling species of Gesneriaceae from a Limestone Area in Tiandeng County, Guangxi, China
Taiwania 68(1): 79‒84, 2023
Primulina alba R.F.Li & B.Pan, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the limestone area of Guangxi, Southwest China, is described and illustrated. This new species is morphologically similar to P. cerina F.Wen, Yi Huang & Chou. It can be easily distinguished from the latter by several characteristics, such as the size of leaf blades, the indumentum, size of the corolla, the position of stamens, etc. The conservation status of P. alba can be considered Vulnerable [VU D1] according to the Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN, 2022).
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Fig 1. Primulina alba R.F.Li & B.Pan A: Habit. B: Front view of the corolla. C: Top view of the corolla. D: Opened corolla. E: The outside surface of bract. F: Pistil and calyx. G: Stigma and style. Drawn by Rui-Feng Li.
Fig 2. Photographs of Primulina alba R.F.Li & B.Pan A, B: Habitat. C: Habit. D: Plant. E, F: Cymes. G, H: Infructescences. I: Adaxial surface of the leaf blades. J: Abaxial surface of the leaf blades. (All leaves are from the same adult plant) K: Bracts, abaxially. L: Bracts adaxially. M: Calyx and pistil. N: Front view of the corolla. O: Top view of the corolla. P: Lateral view of the corolla. Q, R: Opened corolla showing stamens. S: Stigma.