The recently published
new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2023 (14)
getuheensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a karst cave in
Guizhou Province, China
No. 14 Xingchen Li, Yulu
Zhou, Qiu Wang & Xinxiang Bai
Summary. Petrocosmea
getuheensis X.X.Bai, Y.L.Zhou & Xing Chen Li,a new species of
Gesneriaceae from a karst cave in Guizhou Province, China, is described and
illustrated here, with colour photographs and a preliminary assessment for the
IUCN Red List. It morphologically resembles P. minor Hemsl., but this
new species can be easily distinguished from that taxon and all other species
of Petrocosmea Oliv. by the comprehensive characteristics of its leaf blade
thinly papery, lateral veins inconspicuous, abaxial lip lobes
narrowly-triangular, apex acute, flaments transparent glandular hairs around
the protuberant side, anthers round at apex, pistil apex barely protruding or
obvious. One population with about 10,000 mature individuals was found at the
type locality. This new taxon was assessed as “Data Defcient” (DD) according to
the IUCN standards.
Original article link: DOI 10.1007/s12225-023-10132-w
1. Petrocosmea getuheensis. A – B habit; C – D fowering plants; E
adaxial surface of leaf blade; F abaxial surface of leaf blade; G flower in
front view; H fower in side view; J opened corolla showing stamen inside the
corolla; K calyx; L ovary and pistil; M abaxial lip; N stamens; P adaxial lip;
2. Petrocosmea getuheensis. A flowering plant; B flower in front view; C
flower in side view; D adaxial surface of leaf blade; E abaxial surface of leaf
blade; F stamen; G calyx; H opened corolla showing stamen inside the corolla; J
abaxial lip; K adaxial lip; L capsule; M ovary and pistil. DRAWN BY BAIQIU HE.