The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2023 (15)
2023-09-20 New taxa in China

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2023 (15)


NO15. Fan Su, Xiao-Wei Qin, Yun-Lei Wang, Ren-Fen Wang, Chao-Yun Hao , Ke Tan


Stauranthera floribunda, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Yunnan, China

PhytoKeys 232: 59–66 (2023)



Stauranthera floribunda F.Su, C.Y.Hao & K.Tan, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated here. It is morphologically similar to S.grandifoliaBenth. in the shape of corolla, stigma, leaves and the number of stamens. However, it can be readily distinguished from the compared species by its dense cymes, leaf indumentum, lack of a corolla spur, calyx colour and stamen shape. The description of the new species, photographs, detailed descriptions, notes on etymology, distribution and habitat, as well as comparisons with morphologically similar species, are provided.

Original article link:

Figure 1. Stauranthera floribunda F.Su, C.Y.Hao & K.Tan, sp. nov. Ahabit B cymes C, D adaxial and abaxial views of the whole plant E degenerated leaves F front view of flower G back view of flower H detail of abaxial leaf blade I detail of stamens J detail of pistil K ovary and its cross-section view. Photographs by Fan Su.

Figure 2. Line drawing of Stauranthera floribunda F.Su, C.Y.Hao & K.Tan A adaxial view of the whole plant B front view of flower C back view of flower D detail of degenerated leaves E pistil F hair of abaxial leaf blade G frontal view of stamens H dorsal side of stamen. Drawn by Di Hu.