The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2024 (1)

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2024 (1)

No. 1 Xin-Xin Deng, Nuo-Guo Zeng, Guo-Liang Xu, Zu-Fu Zhang & Zheng-Yu Zuo

Primulina longnanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Jiangxi, China

Journal of Plant Resources and Environment 33(1)98-107 (2024)

ABSTRACT: Primulina longnanensisC.L.Xu, a new Gesneriaceae species from Jiulianshan area in Jiangxi, China was described. Morphologically similar to P. wenii Jian Li & L.J.Yan andP. jiulianshanensis F.Wen & C.L.Xu, P. longnanensis stands out as a distinct taxon based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Key distinguishing characters include the tubular or curved-tubular corolla tube, central bracts and central bracteoles very small or absent, 1-3 small purplish-red teeth at apex of each side of bracts and calyx lobes . glandular-pubescent on both surfaces of petioles and leaf blades, sparsely glandular-puberulent filaments , glabrous staminodes, and smaller obviously in calyx lobes, corolla tube, upper lip and lower lip of limb, and staminodes than P. wenii and P. jiulianshanensis.

Key words: Primulina longnanensis C.L.Xu; Gesneriaceae; new species; Jiangxi; Jiulianshan

Original article link:;② DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7895.2024.01.10