The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2024 (1)
No. 1 Xin-Xin Deng, Nuo-Guo Zeng, Guo-Liang Xu, Zu-Fu Zhang & Zheng-Yu Zuo
Primulina longnanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Jiangxi, China
Journal of Plant Resources and Environment 33(1):98-107 (2024)
ABSTRACT: Primulina longnanensisC.L.Xu, a new Gesneriaceae species from Jiulianshan area in Jiangxi, China was described. Morphologically similar to P. wenii Jian Li & L.J.Yan andP. jiulianshanensis F.Wen & C.L.Xu, P. longnanensis stands out as a distinct taxon based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Key distinguishing characters include the tubular or curved-tubular corolla tube, central bracts and central bracteoles very small or absent, 1-3 small purplish-red teeth at apex of each side of bracts and calyx lobes . glandular-pubescent on both surfaces of petioles and leaf blades, sparsely glandular-puberulent filaments , glabrous staminodes, and smaller obviously in calyx lobes, corolla tube, upper lip and lower lip of limb, and staminodes than P. wenii and P. jiulianshanensis.
Key words: Primulina longnanensis C.L.Xu; Gesneriaceae; new species; Jiangxi; Jiulianshan
Original article link:①;② DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7895.2024.01.10