The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2024 (3)
2024-07-17 New taxa in China

The recently published new taxa and new records of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2024 (3)

No. 3 Meng-Qi Han, Cheng Liu, Ji-Dong Ya, Yan-Xiong Gong and Jie Cai

Petrocosmea wangii sp. nov. and Petrocosmea yei sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan, China

Nordic Journal of Botany 2024e04064

Abstract: Petrocosmea wangii M.Q.Han & J.D.Ya and P. yei M.Q.Han, C.Liu & Y.X.Gong, two new species of Gesneriaceae from the limestone of Yunnan, China was described and illustrated.

Keywords: Flora of Yunnan; Karst habitats; Petrocosmeasericea

Original article link:

Figure 1. Petrocosmea wangii sp. nov. (a–b) Habit, (c) flower in front view, (d) flower in side view, (e) longitudinally cut corolla, (f) transversely cut corolla, (g, m–n) stamens, (h) throat, (i–l, p) adaxial lips, (o) pistil and (q) transversely cut ovary.

Figure 2. Petrocosmea yei sp. nov. (a–b, g) Habit, (c) adaxial of leaf blad, (d) abaxial of leaf blade, (e) flower in front view, (f) flower in side view, (h–j) transversely cut corolla, (k) petiole, (l) longitudinally cut corolla, (m) adaxial lips in inside view, (n–o) stamens, (p) transversely cut ovary, (q) capsule and (r) pistil.