The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, and investigated the Gesneriad plants in four field, accompanied by members of GCCC
2017-05-15 GCCC News

        Mr. Stephen Maciejewski as head of the Gesneriad Society delegation (seven people) arrived in Guiyang, started the joint field investigation with staffs of Guilin Botanical Garden and members of GCCC from April 18th, 2017 to May 4th, 2017. The purpose of the delegation's trip is to understand the impacts of the scenic spots construction on native Gesneriad plants.

        The delegation of GS and the members and researchers from GCCC, Guilin Botanical Garden and Anhui University investigated various scenic spots (including valleys, Tiankengs (Sinkholes), caves, karst hills, Danxia landscapes) to observe the survival current situation of Gesneriad plants in Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui, Jiangxi,. The main scenic spots are Longhu Mountain National Forest Park, Wuyuan scenic area of Jiangxi; Qiyun Moutain of Anhui; Ma Ling River Gorge & Po Gang Geysers of Guizhou; Leye Tiankeng & Fengshan Sanmenhai National Geological Park, Bama Hundred Demon Cave of Guangxi.

The members of the Gesneriad Society and accompanying persons found that the normal reproduction processes are being seriously affected by tourists’ behaviors, consciously or unconsciously, for example, getting flowers and bad influence on pollinators. In Ma Ling River Gorge, The population of Rhabdothamnopsis chinensis (Franch.) Hand.-Mazz. has disappeared now; the population of Primulina secundiflora (Chun) Mich. Moller & A. Weber is declining, only one population within ten individuals survives; the population of Petrocodon jingxiensis (Yan Liu, H.S.Gao & W.B.Xu) A.Weber & Mich.Möller practically disappears in Bama Hundred Demon Cave. We are very sorry for this pathetic status in some scenic spots.

  In addition, there are two directions for those populations of Gesneriad species which are distributed in scenic spots to develop: (1) Local people are re-using the mountain and hill fields to grow corn and other crops in several abandoned scenic spots so that some populations of Gesneriad had been disappeared, such as Gyrocheilos chorisepalus W. T. Wang (Baise, Guangxi) and Allocheilos cortusiflorum W.T. Wang (Xingyi, Guizhou); (2) Because of the huge base number of certain Gesneriad species and fewer visitors in the scenic spots, and Gesneriad plants growing in higher and remote places (generally keep out of reach of tourists), the populations of several species of Chinese Gesneriad species remain stable or increase slightly.At the same time, some species with a huge population, such as Oreocharis maximowiczii Clarke. This species are very common in Longhu Mountain (Jiangxi) and Qiyun Moutain (Anhui).

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 1 Artificial buildings result in the approaching demise of the Petrocosmea cavaleriei Lévl. population in Ma Ling River Gorge

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 2 The delegation members of the Gesneriad Society were observing the survival present situation of Petrocosmea martini (Lévl.) Lévl. By artificial building in Leye Tiankeng

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 3 A less common species, Petrocodon coccineus (C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li) Y.Z.Wang

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 4 The widespread species, Dorcoceras hygrometrica Bunge, in Longhu Mountain (Common, Normal reproduction, Least Concern (LC) at present)

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 5 The widespread species, Oreocharis maximowiczii Clarke, in blooming time (I)

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 6 The widespread species, Oreocharis maximowiczii Clarke, in blooming time (II)

        In the process of investigation, the delegation members also visited some enthusiasts of Gesneriaceae plants. Then, they visited Guilin Botanical Garden and Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (GCCC).All members considered and praised the various efforts for Gesneriaceae plants conservation by GCCC and GCCC’s supporting institution (GXIB & GLBG), including various conservation works in greenhouses, display greenhouse, cultivation areas, outdoor wall-garden and caves area. GCCC also is making a good foundation for Gesneriaceae plants popularization of science.

    The delegation members of the Gesneriad Society also attended the branded Ceremony of Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (Shenzhen) (Fairylake Botanical Garden), Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (Guizhou) (Guizhou Botanical Garden), Gesneriad Conservation Center of China (Eastern China) (Anhui University) when they were visiting China.

    Dr. Wen Fang, Mr. Winston Groretsky and Mr. Stephen Maciejewski respectively made academic Presentations entitled "the history of Gesneriaceae plants, and Gesneriaceae plants in China, and Gesneriaceae plants survival, conservation in south China", "African Violet Society of America and The Gesneriad Society Visit China" and "Vietnam: unknown Gesneriads, leeches and bat boys" for undergraduate students and senior high school students in Anhui University and Anhui Hefei Runan College during the Gesneriad Society delegation members’ visiting. The purpose is to develop and increase the students' wide interest in Gesneriaceae plants classification and conservation.

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 7 Dr. Wen Fang is making the academic Presentation in Anhui University

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 8 Mr. Winston Groretsky is making the academic Presentation in Anhui Hefei Runan College

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 9 Mr. Stephen Maciejewski is making the academic Presentation in Anhui Hefei Runan College

The Gesneriad Society delegation visited Guilin Botanical Garden and GCCC, andinvestigated the Gesneriad plants in the field (Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi), accompanied by members of

Fig. 10 the Gesneriad Society delegation members, Dr. Wen Fang, Dr. Hong Xin, and teachers and students of Anhui University