The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2015 (6)
2017-06-17 New taxa in China


Primulina beiliuensis var. fimbribracteata (Gesneriaceae), a New Varietyin A Limestone Cave from Northern Guangdong, China

Taiwania 60(1): 43‒48.


        Primulina beiliuensisvar.fimbribracteataF. Wen & B.D. Lai, a new variety of Gesneriaceae from a limestone cavein Shaoguan, Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated in this report. This new species is similar to P. beiliuensis B. Pan & S.X. Huang var. beiliuensis, but easily differs from the type variety in several morphological characters, both vegetative and reproductive.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (6)

Fig. 1. Primulina beiliuensis var. fimbribracteata. A: Habit. B: Bracts crenate. C: Corolla opened with stamens and staminodes. D: Stamens. E: Anthers for showing beards. F: (1) Pistil with calyx lobes; (2) Pistil without calyx lobes for showing disc. G: Stigma. Drawn by B. D. Lai.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (6)

Fig. 2. Photographs of Primulina beiliuensis var. fimbribracteata. A: Habit. B: Bracts crenate. C: Cymes, top view of corolla and bracts. D: Lateral view of corolla. E: Opened corolla for showing stamens and staminodes. F: (1) Pedicel and pistil with calyx lobes; (2): Pedicel and pistil without calyx lobes.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (6)

Fig 3. Distribution of Primulina beiliuensis var. fimbribracteata (A) and P. beiliuensis var. beiliuensis (B).