The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2015 (9)
2017-06-17 New taxa in China


Oreocharis brachypodus (Gesneriaceae), a new taxon from Guizhou, China



Oreocharis brachypodus is described and illustrated as a new species from Guizhou, China. The new species is similar to Oreocharis villosa. However, the new species is readily distinguished from the latter by cymes not branched, 1–4-flowered,larger and pronounced gibbous corolla (2.2–2.5 cm long), ovary ca. 1 cm long, with 4 ribs prominent, style ca. 0.7 cm long, and thecae confluent. Comments on affinities, geographical distribution, ecology, phenology and conservation status of the new species are also provided(Cited from Li et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (9)

FIGURE 1 Oreocharis brachypodus. A, habit; B, adaxial and abaxial leaves; C, opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; D,stamens and pistil before flowering; E, calyx and pedicel; F, calyx and pistil with disc; G. rhizome. Drawn by Dong Hui Xia partially from Fig.2(Cited from LI et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (9)

FIGURE 2 Oreocharis brachypodusJ.M. Li & Z.M.Li sp. nov. A, habit; B, adaxial and abaxial leaves; C, opened corolla showing two stamens and a pistil with a few ditches before flowering; D, corolla limbs; E, calyx and pistil with disc; F, corolla tube (Cited from LI et al.,2015) .

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (9)

FIGURE 3 Oreocharis villosa(photos from the holotype vouchered in PE). A, habit; B, adaxial and abaxial leaves; C, cymes. D, calyxand pistil (left), opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes (right) (Cited from LI et al., 2015).