The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2015 (13)
2017-06-17 New taxa in China


Primulina hunanensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestonearea in southern Hunan, China

Nordic Journal of Botany 33:576–581.


A new species of Gesneriaceae, Primulina hunanensis, is described and illustrated from southern Hunnan, China. Morphologically, it is similar to P. cordata (=Chirita cordifolia), but differs by having much larger leaves, broadly ovate or ovate bracts, 2–12 (–25)-flowers, longer peduncle and purple corolla. It also resembles P. eburnea in the shape of the bracts and the colour of the corolla, but can be distinguished by longer petioles (9–25 cm long), cordate, ovate-cordate or broadly ovate leaf lamina with rounded or obtuse apex, not entire leaf margin, and either cordate or deeply cordate leaf base. Detailed morphological description, diagnostic comparisons, habitat and micro-morphology of seeds and pollen under SEM are presented (Cited from Cai et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (13)

Figure 1. Primulina hunanensis sp. nov. (A) habit, (B) leaf, (C) opened corolla exposing stamens and staminodes, (D) stamens, (E) calyx, (F) pistil, (G) capsule. Drawn by Jing Tian from the holotype (Cited from Cai et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (13)

Figure 2. Habitat and morphology of Primulina hunanensis sp. nov. (A) habitat, (B) habit, (C) whole plant, (D) adaxial leaf blade surface, (E) flower, front view, (F) flower, side view, (G) anatomical structure of flower, (H) young fruits. Photo by Xiu-Zhen Cai from Jianghua, Hunan (Cited from Cai et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (13)

Figure 3. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photos of pollen and seed of Primulina hunanensis sp. nov. (A)–(D) pollen, (A) whole view (showing the shape of pollen grains), (B) equatorial view, (C) polar view (showing 3-colpate), (D) polar view showing exine ornamentation, (E)–(F) seed and testa, (E) overview, (F) testa surface. Voucher specimen: Ke-Ming Liu and Xiu-Zhen Cai 31270(Cited from Cai et al., 2015) .