Petrocosmeaglabristoma(Gesneriaceae), a new speciesfrom
Plant Diversity and Resources 37(5):551—556.
Petrocosmeaglabrstoma Z.J.Qiu & Y.Z.Wang, a new species from
Fig. 1 One of six most parsimonious trees generated from analysis of combined DNA of matK, trnT-L. Branch lengths are proportional to numbers of nucleotide substitutions ( scales represent 1 substitution). Above the branches are MP bootstrap (MP-BS) values, below the branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) (Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).
Fig. 2 Drawing of Petrocosmea glabristoma Z.J.Qiu & Y.Z. Wang.A, Habit; B, Calyx and pistil; C,Dissected corolla; D, Stamens. Drawn from the holotype Z.J. Qiu QZJ-2007-061 (PE) by Z.J. Qiu and A.L. Li (Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).
Fig. 3 Photos of Petrocosmea glabristoma with comparison of P. forrestii. 1-6, P. glabristoma, 1, Habital, growing on the moist shady cliff of the limestone hill, scale bar=7.62cm; 2, Plant with basal leaves, scale bar=1.81cm; 3-4, Flower of front view, showing pistil and anthers, and adaxial corolla lip glabrous at throat inside (4),scale bar=0.62cm in 3, 0.61cm in 4; 5, Flower of side view, scale bar=0.59cm; 6, Stamen, scale bar=0.1cm. 7-11, P. forrestii, 7, Stamen, scale bar=0.1cn; 8, Plant with basal leaves, scale bar=3.03cm; 9-10, Flower of front view, showing adaxial corolla lip densely villose at throat inside (10), scale bar=0.43cm in 9, 0.38cm in 10; 11, Flower of side view, scale bar=0.48cm (Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).