The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2015 (16)
2017-06-17 New taxa in China


Petrocosmeaglabristoma(Gesneriaceae), a new speciesfrom Yunnan, China

Plant Diversity and Resources  37(5)551—556.


Petrocosmeaglabrstoma Z.J.Qiu & Y.Z.Wang, a new species from Yunan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to Petrocosmeaforrestii Craib and P. mairei Lévl., but  differs from them mainly by its leaves triangular or triangular-ovate, corolla glabrous inside with shorter filament. Molecular and morphological data demonstrate that this newspecies has a close affinity to P. forrestii(Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (16)

Fig. 1  One of six most parsimonious trees generated from analysis of combined DNA of matK, trnT-L. Branch lengths are proportional to numbers of nucleotide substitutions ( scales represent 1 substitution). Above the branches are MP bootstrap (MP-BS) values, below the branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) (Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (16)

Fig. 2  Drawing of Petrocosmea glabristoma Z.J.Qiu & Y.Z. Wang.A, Habit; B, Calyx and pistil; C,Dissected corolla; D, Stamens. Drawn from the holotype Z.J. Qiu QZJ-2007-061 (PE) by Z.J. Qiu and A.L. Li (Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2015 (16)

Fig. 3  Photos of Petrocosmea glabristoma with comparison of P. forrestii. 1-6, P. glabristoma, 1, Habital, growing on the moist shady cliff of the limestone hill, scale bar=7.62cm; 2, Plant with basal leaves, scale bar=1.81cm; 3-4, Flower of front view, showing pistil and anthers, and adaxial corolla lip glabrous at throat inside 4),scale bar=0.62cm in 3, 0.61cm in 4; 5, Flower of side view, scale bar=0.59cm; 6, Stamen, scale bar=0.1cm. 7-11, P. forrestii, 7, Stamen, scale bar=0.1cn; 8, Plant with basal leaves, scale bar=3.03cm; 9-10, Flower of front view, showing adaxial corolla lip densely villose at throat inside (10), scale bar=0.43cm in 9, 0.38cm in 10; 11, Flower of side view, scale bar=0.48cm (Cited from Qiu et al., 2015).