The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2016 (5)
2017-06-26 New taxa in China


Primulina versicolor andP.alutaceaspp. nov. (Gesneriaceae), two new species with yellow flowers from northern Guangdong, China

Edinburgh Journal of Botany 73(1): 25 ‒37.


Two new Primulina species with yellow flowers, Primulina versicolor F.Wen, B.Pan & B.M.Wang and P. alutacea F.Wen, B.Pan & B.M.Wang (Gesneriaceae), from Guangdong, China are described and illustrated.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (5)

FIG. 1. Species of Primulina with yellow corollas. A, P. lutea; B, P. leprosa; C, P. pteropoda; D, P. danxiaensis; E, P. jiangyongensis. 1. Cymes and plant. 2. Corolla. 3. Habit (A–C, Photos by Fang Wen; D, Photos by Rui-Jiang Wang; E, Photos by Xun-Lin Yu).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (5)

FIG. 2. Primulina versicolor F.Wen, B.Pan & B.M.Wang, sp. nov. A, habit; B, outside surface of bracts; C, opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; D, inside and outside surfaces of calyx lobes; E, pistil with and without calyx lobes; F, anthers and filaments; G, stigma [from Pan & Wen 090704, holo IBK].

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (5)

FIG. 3. Primulina versicolor F.Wen, B.Pan & B.M.Wang, sp. nov. A, habit; B, cyme and frontal view of corolla; C, outside surface of bracts; D, top view of corolla; E, lateral view of corolla; F, opened corolla showing stamens, staminodes and colour variation of corolla; G, pistil with calyx lobes; H, pistil without calyx, showing disc; I, outside and inside surface of calyx lobes; J, stigma (Photos by Bi-Dan Lai).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (5)

FIG. 4. Primulina alutacea F.Wen, B.Pan & B.M.Wang, sp. nov. A, habit; B, bracts; C, opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; D, pistil with and without calyx lobes showing appendage, degraded ovary; E, anthers; F, stigma [from Pan & Wen 090811, holo IBK].

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (5)

FIG. 5. Primulina alutacea F.Wen, B.Pan & B.M.Wang, sp. nov. A, habit; B, bracts; C, frontal view of corolla; D, lateral view of corolla; E, top view of corolla; F, opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; G, normal pistil with calyx lobes; H, abnormal pistil with calyx lobes showing appendage, degraded ovary; I, comparison of normal and abnormal pistil; J, glandular hairs on the outside surface of calyx lobes and ovary; K, stigma and style; L, glandular hairs on the outside of calyx lobe; M, glandular hairs on the outside of corolla tube (Photos by Bi-Dan Lai).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (5)

FIG. 6. The distributions of Primulina versicolor and P. alutacea (A/B) in North Guangdong, China.