The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2016 (6)
2017-06-26 New taxa in China


Didymocarpus anningensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China

Phytotaxa 255(3): 292–296.


A new species of Gesneriaceae, Didymocarpus anningensis, is described and illustrated from Anning, Central Yunnan, China. The new species resembles D. purpureobracteatus and D. yunnanensis, but it can be easily distinguished by a combination of stem, leaf blade and leaf petiole indumentum characters, bract and calyx shape and number of staminodes (Cited from Cai et al., 2016).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (6)

FIGURE 1. Didymocarpus anningensis Y.M. Shui, Lei Cai & J. Cai. (from the paratype) A. Plant with flowers and young fruits; B. Pistil with calyx; C. Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes. (Cited from Cai et al., 2016)

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (6)

FIGURE 2. Didymocarpus anningensis Y.M. Shui, Lei Cai & J. Cai. A. Habitat; B. Plant with flowers; C. Flower; D. Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes; E. Pistil with calyx; F. Stem, leaf petiole and roots; G. Adaxial leaf surface; H. Abaxial leaf surface; I. Bracts; J. Adaxial lip of calyx; K. Abaxial lip of calyx. Notes: A–B photographed by Jie Cai, C–K photographed by Lei Cai. (Cited from Cai et al., 2016)