The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2016 (11)
2017-06-27 New taxa in China


Oreocharis ninglangensis, a showy new species of Gesneriaceae from northwestern Yunnan in China

Phytotaxa  261(3): 282‒286.


A new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from northwestern Yunnanin China is described and illustrated. The new species, Oreocharis ninglangensis, is most similar to O. delavayi, but it can be easily distinguished from it by conspicuous red stripes inside the corolla mouth and by the finely bullate leaf surface in the latter (Cited from Chen et al., 2016).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (11)

FIGURE 1. Oreocharis ninglangensis W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui, sp. nov. (A–D and I: based on the holotype) and O. delavayi (E–H). A.Habitat; B. Face view of corolla (abaxial stamens mature first at the beginning of anthesis, male stage); C. Opened flower showing pistil and stamens (before anthesis); D. Top view of flower with sepals (at male stage); E. Face view of corolla (at later stage of anthesis with both pairs of stamens mature, male stage); F. Opened flower showing pistil and stamens (just before stigma receptivity, female stage); G..Lateral view of flower with sepals (at stigma receptivity, female stage); H. Adaxial view of a leaf (showing its bullate leaf surface withdepressed and reticulate veinlets); I. Adaxial view of a leaf (showing its flat leaf surface with inconspicuous veinlets). Scale bars: A=5cm,B=5 mm, C=5 mm, D=5 mm, E=5 mm; F=5 mm, G=5 mm, H=1 cm, I=1 cm (all photographs by Yu-Min Shui) (Cited from Chen et al., 2016).

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (11)

FIGURE2.  Oreocharis ninglangensis W. H. Chen Y.M.Shui ,sp.nov.A.Plant;B.Lateral view of corolla(at female stage);C.Faceview of corolla (at male stage); D. Abaxial view of leaf; E. Opened flower showing pistil (immature at male stage), stamens and disc, sepals removed; F. Dehisced fruit (drawn by Wen Kai) (Cited from Chen et al., 2016).