The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2016 (13)
2017-06-27 New taxa in China


Paraboea yunfuensis: a new calcicolous species of Gesneriaceae from Yunfu, Guangdong Province, China

Telopea 19: 125‒129.


ParaboeayunfuensisF.Wen&Y.G.Wei(Gesneriaceae)isdescribedasanewspeciesendemictotheGuangdong Province, China. This species is one of two peltate-leaved Paraboea species in China. It is distinguished from the similar-looking P. peltifolia by the presence of longer pedicel and filaments, shorter staminodes, linear- lanceolate calyx lobes, and an indumentum on peduncles, pedicels, and calyx lobes. A detailed description, photographs of a specimen from the type location,and a table of comparative characters are provided.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (13)

Fig.1.ParaboeayunfuensisF.Wen&Y.G.Wei:A,habit;B,habitshowinginfructescenceandadaxialviewofleaves;C,leaf, abaxialview;D,peltatebaseofleaflamina;E,inflorescencewithunopenedbuds;F,inflorescencestemshowingglabrous surfaceandflowerinprofileview;G,corollaobliqueview;H,corollafrontalview;I,dissectedcorollashowingstamens; J,infructescencewithdehiscedcapsules.ImagestakenattypelocationbyF.Wen